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Springfield High School
Class Of 1985
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Missing Classmates
If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.
Joe Bergmann
Eric Broida
Jonathan Budil
Kim Burgess (Fish)
William Cagle
Doug Camp
Chris Clemons
Phillip Davis
William Edstrom
Stephen Fisher (Fisher)
Bryan Foster
Shawn Frye
Lori Hamende (Maltby)
Carma Hammuck
Ann Hannah
Stewart Hansen
Brenda Harmon (Smith)
Theo Harris
Carole Hayes
Scott Hayes
Dione Henderson
Michael Henderson
Kathy Herbst (Fogal)
Ward Hills
Bret Hofstrand
Robert Hunter (Jr. )
Dwayne Johson
Sylvester Jones
Howard Kim
Shawn Krell
Cau Lac (Tami Williams)
Tom Lovekamp
Pierre Manning
Wayne Martz
David Mazmanian
Annette Monyok
Jill Mory
Ulrike Muller
Lynn Nagorsky (Duffy)
Heather Nash
Scott O'Connor
Theresa O'Connor
Sheila Powell
Alice Rice Donelson
Shannon Richards
Debbie Roden
Janet Rogers
Matt Rush
Michael Ryffel
Connie Sandefur
Levon Sandefur
Sharri Shanklin
Joe Small
David Spear
Ernest Steven Stewart
Michael Strozier
Diana Sutheard
Stacia Troute (Saporta)
Mark Valletti
Jeff Vorderstrasse
Debbie Vossman (Brodie)
Robin Walls
Susan Waters
Gregory Whisnant
Maurice Williams
Grant Wilson
Terra Wofford
Nancy Wood
Theresa Woollen (Boddy)